I tell people "I'm getting a hedgehog!" and they give me a crazy look and ask why I want a pet with spikes (note: hedgehogs don't have spikes, they have quills). Hence, the back-story.

A long time ago, when I was a little girl, my father gave me a toy stuffed-animal hedgehog, who I named Antero. Despite being a quirky and unusual choice for a stuffed-animal, Antero instantly became my favorite toy who has moved with me back and forth between the East and West coasts.
While in college, I looked up hedgehogs on a whim, and became fascinated with the world of hedgie pets. Of course, at the time I was living in a state that
didn't allow hedgehogs, so my dream of having a hedgie was put on hold. That is, until now.
I am now living in a state where owning a hedgehog as an exotic pet is legal, and I am on a wait-list to get a hedgehog baby sometime in early 2008.
This blog is a place for me to share my journey as a hedgie owner with my family and friends, as well as provide tidbits of useful information to others who dream of having a hedgie pet.